USD Adopts Capacity Fee Ordinance
On April 25, 2016, the Union Sanitary District Board of Directors adopted Ordinance No. 35.22 with a vote of 5-0 in favor (Boardmembers Fernandez, Handley, Kite, Lathi, Toy), 0 in opposition, and 0 absent. Ordinance No. 35.22 set Capacity Charges to be charged in the District beginning in Fiscal Year 2017. The ordinance sets forth the Capacity Charges for new and existing users to buy a share of the District's system's capacity for the discharge of their wastewater. The purpose of the Capacity Charges is to provide revenue to recover costs for existing and future facilities that are of proportional benefit to the person or property being charged. The Capacity Charges will increase each Fiscal Year from 2017 thtough 2020 to the amounts specified in the ordinance. In addition, the ordinanace provides for the payment, dispostion, and administration of the charges.
The Capacity Charges were discussed and approved by ordinance following the noticed public meeting held at the Union Sanitary District Board meeting of April 25, 2016. A copy of the ordinance, which sets forth the Capacity Charges adopted for Fiscal Years 2017-2020 may be found here, or may by obtained at our offices located at 5072 Benson Road, Union City, CA.