COVID-19 Information
The District’s 33-acre wastewater treatment plant continues its 24/7 operations during the regional shelter-in-place order. As an essential public utility, we have staffing and contingency plans in place to continue our vital service to the Tri-Cities during these extraordinary circumstances.
Our treatment process is operating normally, which in general is effective in killing most if not all viruses and pathogens. All water treated at USD is disinfected before it leaves the wastewater treatment plant and is released into the environment.
If you are experiencing a sewer emergency, please call (510) 477-7500. The District's main phone number will be answered by reception staff during normal business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and by treatment plant staff after hours. We encourage all non-urgent questions be directed to Emails to this address will receive a response within three business days.
USD strives to meet customer needs while protecting the public and our employees’ health and doing our part to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The District's Administrative offices are open during normal business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and permit counter service continues to be provided. Adjustments to customer service at the permit counter are in place as many employees are working remotely in response to the shelter-in-place order. To comply with the order's instructions for social distancing, the lobby security gate will be closed. The front desk receptionist can easily communicate through the gate and direct visitors seeking permits to speak to District Engineering Technicians via telephone. Calls can be made via customers' personal phones or a land line located in USD's lobby.
Plans can be dropped off at a table in the lobby for review. The Receptionist can accept payments via credit card (MC/VISA) or by check. At this time, customer service staff will continue to make every effort to process plan reviews normally.
Communications and instructions from county public health agencies regarding the shelter-in-place order continue to evolve as new information arises. USD will update customers if any further adjustments to Administrative office hours or plan review and permitting processes are required.